
Video, video-mediated instruction, strategies for video-mediated instruction


This paper explores the meaning of video as a means of instruction. It goes further to discuss the strategies for video-mediated instruction. The paper posits that video-mediated instruction as an offshoot of the technological growth of the 21st century, is not only useful for teaching but also for studying and learning in and outside the classroom, and is applicable in basic instruction, classroom enrichment, accelerated learning, distance education, global student collaboration, communication, and for professional development. Strategies for the application of videos in the classroom are also espoused and the benefits of using video for instruction explained. Some of the barriers of the adoption of video-mediated instruction comprising of technological, legislative, behavioural, and resource-based barriers in essence, are equally explicated. Recommendations that will lead to better understanding of good practices that can help improve success in incorporating video technologies in the learning process are finally proffered.



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